Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Never Alone

First and foremost can I just say, I love you Beth! You have blessed my life in so many ways I honestly don't know where I'd be without you! Singing praises to our father tonight as loud as we could in your car seriously brought tears to my eyes. You, my love, are a true gift from God that deserves nothing short of everything! I love you with all my heart and want you to know that you truly are a beautiful woman of Christ who continues to shine brighter everyday! And though I've just gotten to know you deeply this past semester we've already been through a lot together! And I want you to know my dear dear friend that you are truly, truly amazing! Don't ever EVER forget that. Though we may be struggling, though we may not feel God's presence every minute of our walk with Him he never leaves us alone! Just like the song we sang together in the car! Though at times we cry out with no reply we still have to hold on and believe God is there. Trust God my dear friend. Humble yourself before him and everything, all the hurt, the pain, it will all be worth it in the end!! So keep singing these words in your heart and know that though sometime we may feel alone, we are NOT! God is just wanting us to pursue him further, really reaching out for him. So sing Beth with all your heart:

Monday, April 20, 2009


So today is the big day...
I'm pretty much freaking out, but still calm at the same time.
Whatever God plans, I know everything will be alright.
*crosses fingers*

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lead Me to the Cross

Savior I come, quiet my soul,
Redemption's Hill,
where your blood was spilled, for my ransom.
Everything I once held dear, I count it all as loss.

Lead me to the cross where your loved poured out,
bring me to my knees, Lord, I lay me down,
rid me of myself, I belong to You.
O lead me,
Lead me to the cross.

You were as I, tempted and tried,
The word became flesh, bore my sin in death,
now You're risen.
Everything I once held dear, I count it all as loss.

Lead me to the cross where your loved poured out,
bring me to my knees, Lord, I lay me down,
rid me of myself, I belong to You.
O lead me,
Lead me to the cross.

To Your heart,
to Your heart,
lead me to Your heart,
lead me to Your heart.