Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"A Second Chance"

So, I've recently started this new blog and named it "A Second Chance" for a reason. I use to blog quite often a few years ago but stopped once I entered the busyness of college, so I will do my best to keep up with it. I wanted to name my blog "A Second Chance" because of the recent awarenesses I've discovered looking back at my life. I have come a long way since my acceptance of Christ. He has brought me through some extraordinary moments, big and small, some great, some not so great. Through it all, He has never left my side. Unfortunately I began to leave His. Not only did I just leave His side, I walked to the clear opposite end, and I did it all without ever really noticing. I have given this blog the name "A Second Chance" becomes even though I have fallen so far away from my Father, He still has yet to leave my side. He continues to pull me out of the pit of darkness, brush off the ashes of hatred and shame, and remind me constantly that I am good enough; that no matter what I've done He always gives me a second chance. A forgiven, second chance to get back up and try again with Him.

So here I am. Broken. Lost. But I am not alone; and I am not hopeless.

"You, O God the Lord, deal with me for Your name's sake; because Your mercy is good, deliver me. For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me." ~ Psalm 109: 21-22

"Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit." ~ Psalm 51:12

God never leaves our side. And even though we sometimes get so caught up in this world and loose sight of who we really are He can restore us and make us new and alive once again in Him.

1 comment:

  1. I have also recently found God in my life, I was saved august 2nd, 2006 had a great first year, and fell apart the whole next year. since about december 2008 I decided to devote my life to God :) its a great feeling aint it? :) its great to have other christians who are in the same place as me :)
    ohh and im trying to follow your blog but i have no idea how lol, im new at this whole blogger thing... :D
