Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stranded at Lake?

So, I will probably be making some posts back to back since I have been wanting to start writing sooner and just now got around to actually doing it. All of them have been itching to step out of my mind, so here we go...

It was Saturday, January 3rd, when a huge realization hit me. I am just like my dad. I've know for quite some time now that my dad and I share very similar qualities but it wasn't until we were stranded out in the middle of the lake on a jetski that this had become evident. It was a beautiful, sunny day so Dad, Mom, and I (as well as our new puppy, Lucy) took advantage of it and decided to take the old jetski for a spin on the lake. (FYI: My dad just bought an old jetski recently to fix up; he just got it running that day.) My dad was testing it out, cutting sharp turns here and there, making sure it was running smoothly and from what we could tell it was! So I hopped on behind him, excited to actually be out on the lake again (though it was freezing considering the time of year!) We were gunning it full speed hitting turns here and there when all of a sudden it died. No hesitation, nothing, just dead. Both my dad and I had no idea what had happened. After several attempts of restarting it, we came to the conclusion it was time to paddle. Luckily I had worn my flip-flops which quickly turned into our means of getting from the middle of the lake to the nearest shoreline. As frustrated as we both were we couldn't help but laugh at the situation and I immediately claimed this was going in my journal.

My dad and I both teamed up and 30 minutes later got us back to shore. We could both swim in the water if we wanted to; our arms and legs were numb. As we were paddling as hard as we could (we were scared we were taking in water, about to sink), I could tell my dad was fighting back anger not only with the jetski but with me. In difficult situations my dad tends to get upset rather easily, one of the qualities I've noticed I've begun to take on. But in this moment, my dad did not get upset with me, instead he encouraged me to keep going, accepted my suggestions, and continued to tell me I was doing good. I knew my dad and I were a lot alike at the moment because yes, we both get upset easily, but with commitment and determination to get to where we know we need to be, we fight for it, and we fight for it the right way. We were fighting to reach the shoreline in time and we were fighting for it with the proper tools: encouragement and love.

Both my dad and I sometimes forget that we cannot do things on our own. I know several people can relate. We fight for things the wrong way and because of that, we end up getting angry or upset because things do not get better or they end up getting worse.

I really connected with my dad that day and could not have been happier to share that experience with him. Once we got the jetski safely back on the trailer we couldn't help but laugh and continue to share that story over and over again with everyone. I can picture how it would have been like if instead of encouraging one another we got angry. I know for sure it would not have been a story to share with others.

When we work through difficult situations with Christ by our side, the ending is so worth it and definitely worth telling!

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